
Tucker Jones

I moved to Washington in 2016 and to our neighborhood the following year. I’m grateful that our neighborhood and our city have adopted me and become my home.

In my work at a nonprofit in the international development sector, I focus on support for democracy and good governance in other parts of the world. I am also passionate for functional and accountable democratic governance in our neighborhood and our city, and I am grateful to my neighbors for choosing me to represent them on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission. 

In addition to the priorities that our neighbors bring up throughout the term, I intend to focus my efforts on creating and protecting safe streets for all users, supporting the creation of more affordable housing to counter rising rent, and improving responsiveness from DC government agencies.

In our neighborhood you can frequently find me out on a walk or bike ride, at the Columbia Heights farmers market looking for stew ingredients, or on my porch reading a book from the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood library.