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Committee on Zoning, Preservation, and Development (ZPD)

Chair: Commissioner Alan Kensek, 1B05

Meeting: Third Monday of the month. Please see the calendar for timely updates.

Use this link to apply to be a committee member!

The Zoning, Preservation & Development Committee is responsible for reviewing for the commissions input, applications relating to private sector requests for development projects that require additional permitting oversight. These include requests before the Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the Historic Preservation Review Board.

The committee meets on the third Monday of each month, unless it is a holiday then it moves to Tuesday that month. If you have a project that needs to be reviewed by the committee you should submit any drawings, renderings or related files no later than 10 business days before the meeting is to occur to be considered for that meeting. Requests received after will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Committee Membership

The Committee strives to have wide representation from across the ANC. Email if you are interested in serving on the committee.

2025 ANC 1B Zoning, Preservation and Development Committee Members

Jason Bello, SMD 1B01

Christian Brandt, SMD 1B06, Vice Chair

Karyn Bruggeman, SMD 1B06

Frank Chauvin, SMD 1B02,

Bruce Flippens, SMD 1B08

Karen Gaal, SMD 1B05,, 202-854-1620

Simon Handelman, SMD 1B09

Ian Hawkesworth, SMD 1B07

Joel Heisey, SMD 1B01

Nianyi Hong, SMD 1B03

Daniel Kramer, SMD 1B02

Alex Smith, SMD 1B02

2024 Committee Highlights

Case Highlights:

  • 2 Zoning Commission (ZC) Cases

  • 3 Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) Cases

  • 1 Map Amendment

  • 2 Historic Preservation Applications (HPA)

  • 3 Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) Cases

Strong Advocacy: Made 11 recommendations in full support of applicants to the full commission.

Collaborative Solutions: Worked closely with the community to craft recommendations for the Howard University Map Amendment case.

Howard University Hospital Updates- Zoning Case 24-01

Overview: Petition seeks to rezone the property generally located on the east side of Georgia Avenue, from Euclid Street south to Florida Avenue, from the RA-2, PDR-2, and the PDR- 3 zones to the MU-9B and the MU-10 zones. A portion of the Howard Hospital site, fronting on Georgia Avenue, will be rezoned to the MU-9B zone.


  1. PPT from Howard on the project

  2. LeDroit Park MOA

  3. ANC 1B support letter

Interested in learning more? Join a ZPD committee meeting to hear more about the project and the latest updates.