ANC 1B welcomes applications for sponsorships of projects, activities, and events that benefit all residents of the 1B community, and must be held in Ward 1. Please read the complete guidelines and instructions prior to completing and submitting an application. All applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the subsequent ANC 1B meeting, usually held the first Thursday of each month. Visit our calendar for updated dates and location information.
Please read the details below before applying and reach out to if you have questions.
Requirements and Guidelines:
• Award amounts are based on the size of the event, expected resident turn out, and number of other collaborators.
o Sponsorships for events that attract 250 people or less- No more than $150
o Sponsorships for events that attract 251-500 people- No more than $250
o Sponsorships for events that attract 501+ people- No more than $500
• No Single Member District can receive more than $650.00 in sponsorships per calendar year. • Sponsorships that benefit multiple Single Member Districts/neighborhoods are excluded from the annual cap. This includes sponsorships for events that span more than 3 Single Member Districts or attract more than 1,500 people.
• The ANC may not award a sponsorship except pursuant to a majority vote of the ANC at a public meeting following a public presentation of the request.
• Only organizations may make requests. The organization must propose to provide services, public in nature, that will benefit persons who reside or work within the Commission area. However, the services may not duplicate those already performed by the District government.
• Payment of awards must be supported by documentation, including this application, invoice of award amount, and minutes of the meeting in which the Commission approved the sponsorship. These documents must be sent to the ANC1B Secretary and Treasurer prior to receiving funds.
• The Commissioner who represents the Single Member District that the project, activity, or event is taking place in will be your point of contact unless another Commissioner is designated.
Examples of Sponsorships That Are Allowed:
Events and programs that directly provide benefit to residents and are open to the public
To neighborhood civic associations to fund activities such job fairs, community beatification events like tree plantings and cleanups, health and wellness events, cultural and regional history celebrations, park opening ceremony projects, or activities of a public nature that benefit the Commission area.
Examples of Sponsorships That Are Prohibited:
Awards for use to purchase food
Awards for non-public purposes or where services are provided for personal gain.
Awards conditioned on a political position, or on support of a position taken by the Commission.
Awards to an agency or program funded by the District government.
Awards to an individual.
Awards to support reoccurring or daily operation of an organization, such as staff salaries, office supplies, rent, etc.