Welcome Ward 1's new neighbors: The Good Neighbor Protocol
Good Neighbor Protocol The Terrell
2500 14th Street, NW
View this document in PDF form here.
On February 11, 2016, after more than a year of careful work and planning, Mayor Muriel Bowser unveiled an all 8 Ward strategy to close and replace DC General before the end of 2018. Since then residents across the District have signed a pledge reaffirming their belief that every neighborhood, and every resident, has a stake in preventing homelessness and supporting people who experience homelessness. In that pledge, residents expressed their support for smaller, more dignified emergency housing for families across the District.
The purpose of this Good Neighbor Protocol (GNP) is to outline the commitment and shared responsibilities of CORE DC and the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Department of General Services (DGS), and the neighbors in establishing and maintaining positive relationships. We agree that our community is stronger when we support one another.
Roles and Responsibilities/Definitions
The Department of Human Services (DHS), through contracts with providers, offers
emergency shelter for families experiencing a housing crisis. DHS is responsible for
oversight of contracted providers who provide this emergency shelter.
The Department of General Services (DGS) is the real estate arm of the District
government responsible for managing the construction at 2500 14th Street, NW and provides
building management services for facilities owned or operated by the District.
CORE DC is the organization who operates the short-term family housing program for families experiencing homelessness at 2500 14th St. NW, through a contract with DHS.
The Advisory Team is made up of community and ANC representatives and is responsible for ensuring the community’s voice is represented as the building is developed and the program becomes operational.
Client means an individual or family receiving services through DHS at 2500 14th Street NW.
Neighbor means an individual who lives in the community surrounding 2500 14th St NW.
1. Maintenance of Property
Clean, well-kept neighborhoods attract residents, increase property values, and show that people care about their community. Property owners and residents share the responsibility for keeping their property well-maintained, presentable, and within the design standards of the community. To maintain the property,
a) Keeps the sidewalks, tree boxes, curbs and alleys adjacent to the property free of litter and
other debris;
b) Acknowledges neighborhood concerns related to the property within one business day and
shares a response about how the concern may be remediated within three business days; and
c) Designates a smoking area for the site, which is outlined in the Program Rules for the site.
a) Maintains facilities, grounds and parking lots to ensure they are well-lit and in good
b) Maintains building management systems;
c) Makes any necessary repairs to the building as quickly as possible, providing a timeline for
repairs when something is not able to be repaired within three business days; and
d) Develops a schedule for trash removal that meets the needs of the building and starts at here
times per week, ensuring that pickups do not take place before or after hours permitted by the
e) Develops a schedule for pest control that start with 2 times a month and readjusting as
Rita Bright
a) Keeps their adjoining sidewalks, tree boxes, curbs and alleys adjacent to their property free of
litter and other debris;
b) Coordinates with CORE DC on the upkeep and maintenance of any shared spaces, e.g. the
parking garage.
As a neighbor, I:
a) Keep the sidewalks, tree boxes, curbs and alleys adjacent to my property free of litter and
other debris:
b) Provide a response within the two business days to any neighborhood concerns related to my
property that outlines how issues will be remediated;
c) Maintain my property and parking areas to ensure they are well-lit and in good condition; and
d) Make any necessary non-structural repairs to my property as quickly as possible, addressing
safety concerns within three business days after they are reported or identified.
2. Safety and Security
All residents should feel safe and secure in their homes. Property owners and residents are encouraged to work together to create a safe and secure community. In order to promote safety and security,
a) Provides contracted security on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and ensures that
security walks the perimeter of the building in the property line;
b) Conducts secure criminal background checks for individuals and unsupervised
volunteers, employees, and applicants for employment in compliance with the contract
with DHS; and
c) Investigates and responds to confirm receipt within 24 hours and provide detailed
response within three business days to any client-related concerns reported by neighbors when possible without breaking client confidentiality.
a) Ensures sufficient signage and lighting on the grounds of the property;
b) Installs exterior cameras which will be monitored by on-site security; and
c) Through its Protective Services Division, assists the contracted on site security as needed
during emergencies.
As a neighbor, I:
a) Stay observant about activities happening at or around the program, as I would in any
other part of the neighborhood, and alert District agencies of activities as appropriate.
3. Conduct and Behavior
Respectful behavior is integral to the quality of life in a community. In order to promote good conduct and respectful behavior,
a) Develops and enforces rules that encourage respect inside the short-term family housing
program and in the surrounding neighborhood, and quickly addresses rule violations
when they occur. These rules should also be shared with the Advisory Team;
b) Prohibits loud music, threatening language and behavior, and weapons in and on the
property; and
c) Enforces leash laws and ensures pet waste in disposed of appropriately on the property
when clients have service animals;
d) Will outline specific guidelines around smoking and appropriate smoking areas in their
program rules.
As a neighbor, I:
a) Am friendly with, and courteous to, all neighbors by refraining from playing loud music
and using threatening language and behavior in the community; and
b) Abide by leach laws, ensure pet waste is disposed of appropriately, and not walk dogs on the STFH site property.
4. Communication and Mutual Respect
Communication between neighbors is extremely important in communities. In the spirit of mutual respect, if a concern arises, we ask that you let the provider know promptly and directly. We ask that you welcome clients as you would any other, and also understand the need for privacy and confidentiality with personal information.
a) Keeps the lines of communication open and provides a clear point of contact to respond
to the community;
Ron Parker, The TerrellProgram Director Email: RParker@coredc.org
Phone: (202) 710-7822
b) Takes an active role in the community by participating in meetings of Advisory
Neighborhood Commission 1B, Civic Associations or other formal and informal neighborhood groups when the community group has a planned agenda that addresses the Short-term Family Housing program;
c) Provides notification to neighbors when programming might have an impact on the surrounding neighborhood which at a minimum includes notification by email to ANC 1B Commissioners and ANC 1B06 listserv;
d) Provides opportunities for neighbors to volunteer;
e) Meets with the Advisory Team in-person at least two times annually; and
f) Reviews and updates Good Neighbor Protocols with the Advisory Team annually.
As a neighbor, I:
a) Participate in volunteer opportunities offered by the provider, which requires going
through the Chapter 5, Title 27 DCMR process for background checks; and
b) Notify the provider of community events in which the provider and residents may wish to participate.