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ZPD Committee Meeting

Join us for our monthly ZPD meeting on Zoom.

To attend the meeting, please register here


1. Welcome

2. Roll call and introduction of members

3. Case 1

Applicant: TDM LLC, Degree Zewdie/Juancarlos Lazarte E-mail:

Property: 1922 9th Street NW (Arts 2)

HPRB Case: HPA 25-93

Hearing Date: TBD

Request of Committee: Conceptual design review for alteration and an addition at the rear of a rowhouse. (Square 361/Lot 120)

Commissioner / SMD (1B02) Francois Barrilleaux

4. Case 2

Applicant: David Meyer / Karen Kazmerzak – Evelyn Pierce Smith/ Architect E-mail:,,

Property: 1103 & 1105 S Street NW (RF 1)

HPRB Case: HPA 25-xx

Hearing Date: 4/24/25

Request of Committee: Conceptual design review for project to combine two row houses into one. Construct a rear two story with cellar addition. (Square 306/Lot 21-22)

Commissioner / SMD (1B02) Francois Barrilleaux

5. Other Business

6. Meeting Adjournment